Maximilian Rödel

Veils of Perception

12 Oct 2024 - 16 Nov 2024

“How does something new come about, and how does it affect what already exists?”

This question could stand alone as an introduction to ‘Veils of Perception’, Maximilian Rödel’s (b. 1984 in Braunschweig) first exhibition at pied-à-terre. The show will feature seven new paintings that challenge traditional notions of perception, inviting viewers to delve beneath the surface and explore the hidden layers of reality within Rödel’s enigmatic works.

In ‘Veils of Perception’, Rödel expands his ongoing exploration of the invisible world, offering a visual experience that probes the boundaries between the seen and the unseen. His paintings, marked by a hermetic aesthetic, withhold immediate clarity, urging viewers to look deeper and discover the inconspicuous details lying just beneath the surface. These subtle layers of meaning do not negate what we see, but influence how we understand what already exists.

The exhibition’s title, speaks to the visual obstacles Rödel places before the viewer. These veils do not obstruct but rather encourage a heightened sense of awareness, inviting us to linger and uncover hidden dimensions. His work suggests that beyond what is visibly present, there exists an unspeakable, invisible reality that can only be accessed through attentiveness and contemplation. It is in this space between the seen and unseen that the viewer is asked to engage.

“These new works are an attempt to open up a dialogue between what we see and what we sense,” Rödel explains. “The veils create a pause, a moment where the eye must linger and the mind must expand to perceive the invisible layers that underlie the surface.”

Maximilian Rödel’s exhibition invites the viewer to explore the edge of understanding, going beyond passive observation to actively engage with the unseen elements of his work. By embracing the challenge of looking more closely, viewers are given access to a deeper, hidden reality that exists beneath the visible.

Maximilian Rödel was born 1984 in Braunschweig; he lives and works in Berlin. After HbK Braunschweig under Walter Dawn and Hartmut Neumann, Rödel continued his studies at UdK Berlin with Thomas Zipp, and graduated as Master student  of Robert Lucander in 2011.

Recently solo exhibitions  have been held at Kunstverein Arnsberg and NAK Aachen. His work has been part of group exhibitions such as Documenta 15 and 13, Kassel; Kunstverein Hannover, Kunstverein Arnsberg, NAK Aachen,  Freies Museum Berlin, Kunstverein Weiden and Indianapolis Museum of Contemporary Art (IMOCA), amongst others.


noun; plural des pied-à-terre

French: a small house or apartment in a city that you own or rent in addition to your main home, where you stay when visiting that city for a short time;

Unlike a classic gallery, the pied-à-terre offers more than just a place to display art—it’s a creative foothold for experimentation and collaboration. Borrowing its name from the French term for a "temporary home," this dynamic space invites artists and galleries to step beyond traditional boundaries and explore new territories. With a constantly evolving programme, pied-à-terre combines the fresh voices of emerging artists with a reimagining of historically significant positions, fostering a lively exchange between creators and the public. It’s a place where art is not simply shown, but actively discovered, experienced and transformed.

Mommsenstr. 4
10623 Berlin

Thu – Sat: 11 am – 6 pm
and by appointment